Senior Thesis Management

After thinking a lot about how to manage the thesis grades of our students, I have decided to use a course in Moodle. It seems as a natural choice since all our instructors and students have access to it. To avoid confusion, I am planning to split students into groups depending on their advisor, what will allow faculty to see their tutees directly. As a side effect, we get fast feedback to students and better visibility for administration. I am Read More …

Senior Thesis time

We are already in “senior thesis” time. Students running around asking professors to be their advisors and professors trying to avoid some students. I am lucky (somehow) because students generally do not like technology or believe (erroneously) that it is too difficult. Anyway, I put a page together for the few students I am advising: Hopefully the contents will be useful.

Thesis… OH the thesis…

Soon we are going to start receiving “requests” from students to be their thesis advisor. So, I decided to get ready and prepare (or re-prepare) the material they need. The final result was a very comprehensive page (I think), where students can find most of the information they need. Here it is: All the documents are stored in Google Drive, giving me flexibility when updating something.