Excited to be in the classroom again

Since my arrival at Lakeland University Japan I have been so busy with administrative duties that just imagining being in the classroom was overwhelming. Well, it seems that life does not wait for us to be ready. From May I will be teaching two courses, and I am very, very excited to be back in the classroom. The course will be something new to me, but a course that I have been planning and thinking about for a long time: Read More …

New challenges await

For the last 13 years, I have been teaching in the classroom. True that during the “with corona” times we were all shifting between online and face-to-face here and there, but essentially, the structure of my courses did not change. Now that we are all back to face-to-face classes things were supposed to settle down, but with the lab changing locations, I am unable to be with my students every week. Yes, I changed jobs but I am still supporting Read More …

And the lab is moving…

It looked like this was not a possibility… but it happened. In the past 13 years, I have pushed myself to provide students with all the support they needed at the expense of my own personal life. Education slowly replaced my interest in the IT field, and I am now on a stage where TECH and EDU walk hand in hand. In this new chapter, I doubt I will have any extra time, but the challenges and the possibility of Read More …

About students and horses

Oh my… it looks like a joke, but the last time I posted something here was… an year ago!!! I (and everyone else around me) have been very busy preparing for the new academic year. A new curriculum, graduate school prep, and of course all the normal work that we do at the college everyday running in parallel. It is really interesting how life happens and, suddenly, posting on my personal page looses its priority. In 2021 I worked really Read More …

Two good news in one day

Today I got two surprises, both of them academic ones. The first one was a package from the SUTLF team. My paper from the 2017 conference was selected for publication in a book. No big deal, except that only 4 papers were selected. I feel really honored and happy for their selection. The second one was an evaluation copy of a book I am co-authoring. I haven’t got the evaluation copy myself,  but the publisher was distributing it during the Read More …

First classes DONE.

The first classes o the ICT course were done already. Wow, it was really exciting to enter the classroom again and see the new faces. Unfortunately, due to the size of the computer classroom, I got two huge classes. A big change from the small classroom sizes I had last year. The good part is that I got an assistant this year, and he is really working hard. This makes a huge difference because he also helps me keeping control Read More …

Social environment of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the U.S. and Japan (自閉症スペクトラム患者の社会的環境についてアメリカと日本における比較)

Abstract: This paper will write about what the Autism Spectrum is, and will introduce how the symptoms of the disorder influence on the patients in the society that they are belonged to. Especially, quality of life, social institutions and coping skills regarding Autism Spectrum are deeply focused. By researching the circumstance of both Japan and United States, this paper will look for methods for making the life of people with the Autism Spectrum in Japan better. 要旨: この卒論は、近年耳にするようになってきた自閉症スペクトラムとは何か、そしてその症状を抱える患者たちは今日の社会においてどのような環境の中で生活を送っているのかということを中心に述べている。特に、生活、制度、そして彼らと障害との付き合い方について日本とアメリカにける比較をし、問題点、解決策について述べている。

Radar charts everywhere!!!

It is normal to provide students with feedback every time they submit an assignment. Still, some students (sometimes) do not understand where they need to improve. To address this issue, I have been handing out mid-semester reports to all my students and the easiest way for them to understand it to stick a radar chart in it. Yes, I know we can do it with a spreadsheet software, but I wanted something that would be generic enough that I can Read More …