Abstract: Nowadays, many people use Social Network Systems (SNS), be it for business or for personal reasons. People regardless of their occupational status use SNS websites and applications on a daily-basis. The research done in this thesis tries to understand and expose the fact that SNS does not have only good points. Privacy and friendship issues may arise at any moment, and it is important to understand it. 要旨: 最近では多くの人が仕事や私生活で SNSを利用している。誰もが SNSのウェブサイトやアプリを簡単に利用することが出来る。この論文の研究は、SNS の良い点だけでなく SNS が本来持つ事実を明らかにする。プライバシーと友情の問題はいつでも起こる可能性があり、それを理解することが重要です。
Tag: sociology
Social environment of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the U.S. and Japan (自閉症スペクトラム患者の社会的環境についてアメリカと日本における比較)
Abstract: This paper will write about what the Autism Spectrum is, and will introduce how the symptoms of the disorder influence on the patients in the society that they are belonged to. Especially, quality of life, social institutions and coping skills regarding Autism Spectrum are deeply focused. By researching the circumstance of both Japan and United States, this paper will look for methods for making the life of people with the Autism Spectrum in Japan better. 要旨: この卒論は、近年耳にするようになってきた自閉症スペクトラムとは何か、そしてその症状を抱える患者たちは今日の社会においてどのような環境の中で生活を送っているのかということを中心に述べている。特に、生活、制度、そして彼らと障害との付き合い方について日本とアメリカにける比較をし、問題点、解決策について述べている。
The Economic Impact of Tax Havens on Businesses and Its Home Countries (税金避難地が企業とその母国に与える経済的影響)
Abstract: Today, tax havens carry an important role in the world economy because its system attracts amounts of capitals in the world. This paper introduces what are tax havens, its structure, and influence in the world economy. In fact, many well-known wealthy companies and individuals are interacted with tax havens. There is a firm relationship among them. Tax havens bring benefits to offshore companies and individuals, and vice versa. They both obtain benefits from each other, which is discussed on Read More …
SNS Caveats and its Direct Impact on Users (SNS注意事項とユーザー影響について)
Abstract: In recent years, many Social Network Services (SNS) websites and applications have flooded the Internet, our computers and smartphones. For some time, the main appeal of SNSs was the fact that they allow us to connect to friends whenever they are close by or in a remote location. Nowadays, understanding the repercussions of SNSs has become a very difficult task as SNSs are used not only for friendship connections but have also speeded out into many areas of our Read More …