IT human resource development project

A while ago I was consulted about tools and methods to evaluate students online. It seems some of my ideas are going to see the light of the day in a new program backed up by the Miyazaki prefecture aiming at developing IT human resources. I am very happy for being able to contribute to this initiative and looking forward to the promising outcomes. The website is here:

About students and horses

Oh my… it looks like a joke, but the last time I posted something here was… an year ago!!! I (and everyone else around me) have been very busy preparing for the new academic year. A new curriculum, graduate school prep, and of course all the normal work that we do at the college everyday running in parallel. It is really interesting how life happens and, suddenly, posting on my personal page looses its priority. In 2021 I worked really Read More …

Social environment of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the U.S. and Japan (自閉症スペクトラム患者の社会的環境についてアメリカと日本における比較)

Abstract: This paper will write about what the Autism Spectrum is, and will introduce how the symptoms of the disorder influence on the patients in the society that they are belonged to. Especially, quality of life, social institutions and coping skills regarding Autism Spectrum are deeply focused. By researching the circumstance of both Japan and United States, this paper will look for methods for making the life of people with the Autism Spectrum in Japan better. 要旨: この卒論は、近年耳にするようになってきた自閉症スペクトラムとは何か、そしてその症状を抱える患者たちは今日の社会においてどのような環境の中で生活を送っているのかということを中心に述べている。特に、生活、制度、そして彼らと障害との付き合い方について日本とアメリカにける比較をし、問題点、解決策について述べている。

Differences of parenting style between North America and Japan (日米の養育方法の比較)

Abstract: Parenting is one of the chief element to grow children. There are many kinds of parenting, and these are different from family and country. Also, there is some difference of effect on the child. This paper focuses on two countries, Japan and North America of parenting style. Research have been conducted to compare definition, parenting styles, the best way, and positive and adverse effect on North America and Japanese parenting. Personality or characteristics are structured upon various influences. The Read More …

Same-Sex Relationships: A Comparison Between Japanese and American University Students Acceptability (同性間のリレーションシップ:日本とアメリカの大学生の容認性の比較)

Abstract The topic of this exploratory paper is the same sex relationships: A comparison between Japanese and American university students acceptability. People generally like people of the opposite sex. After that, they get married. However, some people like people of same sex. There are many people like them in every country. In America, people have many gay rights. For example, they can get married in 37 states. However, in Japan, people do not have as many gay rights. They cannot Read More …

Nurturing Children: The ways of nurturing children positively (養育:肯定的に働く養育への要因)

Abstract: The ways of nurturing children are positively reflective topics because the levels of affection for children and how caregivers nurture affect how they grow up. For example, it is whether children are stable emotionally or children do not have confidence in everything or themselves. This thesis is to focus how nurturing children impacts child development emotionally and mentally and how their children develop differently through nurturing children. The method of this research is literature review from the psychological books Read More …