First classes DONE.

The first classes o the ICT course were done already. Wow, it was really exciting to enter the classroom again and see the new faces. Unfortunately, due to the size of the computer classroom, I got two huge classes. A big change from the small classroom sizes I had last year. The good part is that I got an assistant this year, and he is really working hard. This makes a huge difference because he also helps me keeping control Read More …

Too busy to be true

Tomorrow is our 21st graduation ceremony and today everyone is very busy preparing and rehearsing for tomorrow. Also, we will have TC certificates handled to students in a small ceremony and later, thesis highest honors certificates. Of course these are not the only things going on. Today students will be trying the gowns and filling up an exit survey among other things. I am sure a lot of people will be crying tomorrow, so I hope I can write a Read More …