Too busy to be true

Tomorrow is our 21st graduation ceremony and today everyone is very busy preparing and rehearsing for tomorrow. Also, we will have TC certificates handled to students in a small ceremony and later, thesis highest honors certificates. Of course these are not the only things going on. Today students will be trying the gowns and filling up an exit survey among other things. I am sure a lot of people will be crying tomorrow, so I hope I can write a Read More …

What are the problems and utility value of Social Network Service? (SNS の問題点と利用価値)

Abstract: Nowadays, many people use Social Network Systems (SNS), be it for business or for personal reasons. People regardless of their occupational status use SNS websites and applications on a daily-basis. The research done in this thesis tries to understand and expose the fact that SNS does not have only good points. Privacy and friendship issues may arise at any moment, and it is important to understand it. 要旨: 最近では多くの人が仕事や私生活で SNSを利用している。誰もが SNSのウェブサイトやアプリを簡単に利用することが出来る。この論文の研究は、SNS の良い点だけでなく SNS が本来持つ事実を明らかにする。プライバシーと友情の問題はいつでも起こる可能性があり、それを理解することが重要です。

How has software changed and how did it affect our lives as a result of that change (ソフトウェアがどのように変わっていき、その変化によって私たちの生活にどのような影響を与えたのか)

Abstract: This senior thesis is about the explanation of software, the function of software, the connection between software and our life, the ways of development of software and how did the development help our life. This thesis is about the history, backgrounds, information, example and results of development which are all about software. The target of this thesis is sharing idea of how software changed and how development of software help our life. 要旨: この論文はソフトウェアについての説明、機能、私たちの生活との関わり、様々なソフトウェアの発展について、そしてその発展により私たちの生活がどのように支えられているかが書かれています。この論文はソフトウェアについての歴史、背景、情報、例、そして発展の結果をもとに作られています。目的は、ソフトウェアというものがソフトウェアがどのようにして変わったのか、そしてどのように私たちの生活に役立っているかを知ってもらうことです。

Can Using Non-verbal Communication Improve Human Acceptability of Robots? (非言語コミュニケーションは人間のロボットへの許容性をこうじょうさせることができるか?)

Abstract: From toy robots to Q&A machines, the number of robot and automated machines around us is increasing day-by-day. Until now, for robots to be accepted by humans, researchers have invested a huge amount of time on voice and speech recognition techniques and even tried to make robots more “real”. All research done so far is valid, but still robots fail to be accepted by many people creating a feeling of creepiness and making people uncomfortable around them. To overcome Read More …

How Long Until Robots Start Harming Humans (いつロボットが人間を害するような存在になり始めるか)

Abstract Peoples’ lives are surrounded by technology and it helps to make our lives easier. It is usually a good thing for technology to develop more and more but it also comes along with dangers too. A robot is one basic technology that shows how technology can develop by what it can do. Because of the development of technology, it might become possible for robots to harm people by their own decision. I will discuss the threat of robots and Read More …

Can Technological Benefits of Tattoos Win Over the Taboo in Japan? (日本のタトゥーに対する偏見に技術的利点が勝つことはできますか?)

Abstract: In the past, tattoo was antisocial such as yakuza in Japan. People with tattoo have not visited hot spring facilities in Japan because tattoo was a cause of uncomfortable feeling for people. Recently, a lot of foreign tourists come to Japan, tourists of tattoo cannot enjoy at these facilities by old rule. My research is to understand history and culture of tattoo, and introduce advantages of tattoo in medical and dairy fields. Then, my purpose is to disappear bias Read More …

Infectious Disease in the World (世界における感染症)

Abstract: This thesis is about infectious diseases in the world. I choose ATL and Zika even out of those. Since these infectious diseases are not well known, I wrote thesis using WHO and CDC that as reference. Since May 2013, Zika virus infection has spread mainly in South America. The Zika virus is mediated by mosquitoes called Aedes Albopictus. It is known that if pregnant women are infected with Zika virus, it is possible that these babies have a serious Read More …

The Feasibility of Japan Phasing Out the Use of Nuclear Power Plants (日本の原子力発電所停止の可能性)

Abstract: The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s meltdown caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11th of 2011, raised awareness of the dangers implicit with Nuclear energy. Even though many people have been suffering directly and indirectly because of the accident, some policymakers are still debating whether to reactivate Japan’s nuclear power plants or not. Nuclear energy has been considered clean energy by many researchers, but still it can have a huge negative impact on the environment. This exploratory Read More …

Social environment of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the U.S. and Japan (自閉症スペクトラム患者の社会的環境についてアメリカと日本における比較)

Abstract: This paper will write about what the Autism Spectrum is, and will introduce how the symptoms of the disorder influence on the patients in the society that they are belonged to. Especially, quality of life, social institutions and coping skills regarding Autism Spectrum are deeply focused. By researching the circumstance of both Japan and United States, this paper will look for methods for making the life of people with the Autism Spectrum in Japan better. 要旨: この卒論は、近年耳にするようになってきた自閉症スペクトラムとは何か、そしてその症状を抱える患者たちは今日の社会においてどのような環境の中で生活を送っているのかということを中心に述べている。特に、生活、制度、そして彼らと障害との付き合い方について日本とアメリカにける比較をし、問題点、解決策について述べている。